The Melting Place For All Our Issues - 2020

Acrylic, Emulsion &
Spray Paint on Canvas.

“The Melting Place For All Our Issues” was created in response to the turbulent times of 2020-2021 and the powerful Black Lives Matter movement. My goal was to capture the deep emotions of hurts and disparities that were so prevalent during that period. I wanted to highlight the social discord that emerged when collectively we should have been most focused on unity and compassion.

As I mentioned in an earlier reference, "This piece was born out of my response to the BLM movement and the pervasive feelings of pain and inequality. In addition to the fractious energy that I felt permeated the 2020-2021 period.  

I also wanted to directly comment on the social opprobrium and discordance that arose during a time when we, as a society, should have been most focused upon inclusion, unity and growth.”

Through this canvas, I aim to celebrate the inherent worth of every individual who contributes to society as a whole, illustrating how invaluable each shade and tone is to the bigger picture. I consciously chose to work only with black and white mediums, symbolising the essential roles of black and white while emphasising the importance of the tonal, grey areas in between.

As you engage with this piece, I invite you to envision a space where unity and diversity coexist harmoniously. The simplicity of black, the clarity of white, and the depth of grey reflect the intricate fabric of our broader society. Through this artwork, I hope to further encourage exploration of the many facets of the human experience, in our ongoing pursuit of unity and inclusion.


Super Climactic - 2020\21


Turmoil - 2020