Ode to Muffy
- 2023

"Ode to Muffy" is my most recent illustration-based stop-motion. I created this piece as an ode to my dog, Muffy, who passed in 2023. I wanted to do something that would memorialise her, and making a piece of art felt like the only way I knew how to effectively do that. It was also the only way at the time for me to channel and release my emotions around her passing. This piece is extremely emotive for me personally and still holds a very big space in my heart. It remains one of my most personal pieces to date, in addition to being the fourth and final of the videography project’s I produced in 2023.

Audio: Labi Siffre - My Song


Sold my Seoul 2 the City - 2024


Sketchbook Variant Series P.2 - 2023